18 FUEL TANK: Balloon leak test


Successful balloon leak test on ‘L’ fuel tank. The tank has been pressurized with the balloon attached to serve as protection in case of overpressurizing and volume/size check after hours to verify -no leaks. ‘L’ tank is OK! Now I’ll leave the ‘R’ tank pressurized over night and lets see in the morning.. The optional Van’s leak test kit was used.

‘L’ Fuel Tank: Disassembly & Preparation for sealing


Today we disassembled the ‘L’ fuel tank, applied scotch on the mating surfaces, dimpled the skin, ribs, fuel tank inlet (countersinked) and stiffeners. The ribs were bent to straight shape to meet the skin’s holes. The ‘J’ stiffener was cut to the required length and dimpled. Tank attach Zee’s finished with nut plates attached.. A lot of preparation work before the actual sealing can start.

Some of the dimpled rib holes did not exactly match the skin, so the nail dimpling method has been applied. On the edges of the skin the pneumatic squeezer did it’s job 1A. It is time consuming but a lot of fun as well: