

Na objednávku

788,22 € / 640,83 € bez DPH

The A2 ADAHRS Module is an Air Data, Attitude and Heading Reference System compatible that turns the AvMap EKP-V into an EFIS system. for existing EKP-V users. First time purchases would ave money buy buying the EFIS complete system instead.


Avmap A2 ADAHRS extends the functionality of the EKP V Aeronautical Navigator and turns it into Avmap EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrumentation System), a centralised display for both navigation and primary flight information.

The core of the EFIS is AvMap A2 module. The module containms solid-state gyros, accelerometers, magnetic field sensors and air data sensors. The module is designed for fixed installation inside the aircraft and should be connected to the aircraft pitot-static system, in order to take full advantage of it's funtionality.


• Airspeed

• Altitude

• Attitude (Roll, Pitch and Heading angle)

• Wind estimation

• Side slip indication

• Vertical speed

Requires EKP-V GPS and Docking Station

Hardware & Software


Dimensions70 x 60 x 35 mm (2.76” x2.36” x 1.38”)
Weight< 50 g (1.8 Oz)
Operational Temperature-25°C to +85°C / -13°F to +185°F
3-axis gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers 
Acceleration range (3 axis) +/- 8 g 
Rotation Range +/- 1600 deg/s 
Air data sensors:Range 10 to 215 kts, -1000 to 40000 ft
Advanced data fusion capability 
USB Interface (1.5 m cable) 
UAV Navigation® technology inside 


Airspeed and Altitude from Pitot-static system
Attitude, side slip and heading information
Integration of TAWS into the PFD with AGL Altitude indication
Wind indicator with wind components
Clear HSI display linked with EKP V flight planning function
Customizable data fields
PFD settings: Altimeter reference, Heading reference, Aircraft
Specific V-speed reference value

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