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Plexus™ was developed for use in aviation, specifically for cleaning and protecting aircraft windshields and painted surfaces. Its quite simply the most effective product you can buy for cleaning, polishing and protecting all clear and colored plastics and painted surfaces.
Plexus is easier touse, and leaves a noticeably cleaner, more lustrous finish than conventional polishes. It protects by actually sealing the pores in plastic making it more resistant to debris, oil, bugs or scratches. And because its anti-static, it repels dust and lint. Its perfect for windshields and the leading edges of the wings, as well as for removing exhaust stains and cleaning wheel wells.
Also, Plexus polishes without harmful abrasives. It leaves an invisible, micro-thin layer of wax without smears or smudges. It dries to a crystal clear luster, leaving no oily, sticky or tacky residue. Its the ultimate detailer for your aircraft. So, if youre looking for a better way to save time, money and help protect your valuable investment, its clearly brilliant. Plexus. Clearly the best.
Plexus contains no CFCs, so its safe for the environment. And because its an aerosol, there is virtually no waste.
13 Oz.
Unit | SP |
Hazardous | Yes |
Oversize | No |
Weight | 0.475 kg |
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