ERB2 - Electronický rotačný maják s podporou FLARM a inteligentnou synchronizáciou
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ERB2 - New development with Intelligent Synchronization and FLARM-Interface
The technology carries on - so we developed the new ERB2 for you. With LEDs of the newest generation we were able to boost the brightness of about 25%. Simultaneously we reduced the power consumption remarkably. This makes an efficiency enhancement of about 50%!
As worlds first we integrated a FLARM-Interface in an anti collision light for motorized aircrafts in order to increase the visibility and therefore the safety in the airspace. The by the Power-FLARM unit provided signals increase the light pulses of the ERB2 and therefore rises the attentiveness.
As a matter of course all our LED position lights / ACLs are water and seawater resistent. Since the electronic parts are completely integrated in the ERB2, no black box or other items are needed.
Our ERB2 complies with FAR23 regulations. Therefore experimantal constructors have a genuine alternative to Xenon-Flash lights.
The extremely bright, red rotating sequencing light flash has a beacon angle of 360° and is visible at 30° below and above the horizontal plane.
This helicopter is completely equipped with Thiesen Electronics lights:
Like all our other ACLs, the ERB2 is completely sealed in high grade optic plastic. As all electronic components are in the ERB, there is no additional place needed.
For easy connection, the ERB2 is already provided with a 1,5/0,25 mm? four-wire-cable. It can be installed on the fuselage or tail by its flange footing and some additional silicone.
A detailed installation instruction and shrinking tubes are included.
The integration our well proven Intelligent Synchronization in the ACL4 allowes a chronological sequence of power consumption for the connected anti collision lights and prevents battery and generator from becoming overloaded.
Label | Description |
Color | red |
Operating voltage | 10 -17 volts D. C., typically: 12.8 - 13.4 volts (on board power supply) |
Wattage | approx. 16 watts |
Interface | FLARM and Intelligent Synchronization |
Diameter | approx. 44 mm |
Height | approx. 56 mm |
Flange to flange | approx. 61 mm |
Drill hole | 4,5 mm |
Weight | approx. 105 gr incl. connecting cables |
ERB2 wiring diagram
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