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No matter where your adventure takes you, it is highly likely that your smartphone is within hands reach. For the outdoor biking enthusiast, the RAM Universal Bike Mount is the most complete mounting solution for attaching a smartphone to your bike. Compatible with most any smartphone, the X-Grip® cradle has a clean and clever four leg design that sports great holding power, but also allows for easy insertion or release of your phone. Designed to fit most common handlebar sizes, the included base uses common zip ties to attach to a variety of handlebar diameters. Made of high strength composite, it is light weight too. Adjustable to allow for the best viewing angle, this product is perfect for any cyclist or open trail adventurer.
Compatible Devices (WITH OR WITHOUT CASE):
Apple iPhone 5s
Apple iPhone 5c
Apple iPhone 5
Apple iPhone 4S
Apple iPhone 4
Apple iPhone 3GS
Apple iPhone 3G
Apple iPhone
Apple iPod touch (All Models)
Apple iPod (G1-G5)
Samsung GALAXY S4
Samsung GALAXY S5
The X-Grip® holder is compatible with handheld devices that will fit the dimensions listed below. It is important to verify the dimensions of your handheld device with a case/sleeve/skin when determining the overall size.
Holder Dimensions:
Minimum Width = 1.875"
Maximum Width = 3.25"
Depth = 0.875"
Rail Dimensions:
The zip ties will attach to rails, from a minimum of 0.5" in diameter. Included is a 12 degree tapered shaft for tapered handlebars. Overall length of the each zip tie is 7".
1. Rustproof
2. High strength composite and stainless steel construction
3. Spring loaded holder expands and contracts for perfect fit of your device
4. Rubber coated tips will hold device firm and stable
5. Made in U.S.A.
Material: Marine Grade Stainless Steel Components & High Strength Composite
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