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The RAM-B-166-UN7U consists of a 3.25" twist lock suction cup base, double socket system and universal spring loaded X-Grip® holder for cell phones. The suction cup, twist lock base is designed to have a strong hold on glass and non-porous plastic surfaces, including RAM adhesive disks. The mount is designed with a RAM 1" diameter patented rubber ball and socket system that has adjustment points at both ends of the double socket arm; this allowing for almost infinite adjustment and perfect viewing angles. The included X-Grip® cradle has a clean and clever four leg design that sports great holding power without hiding your phone behind foam pads and plastic. The spring loaded X-Grip® holder expands and contracts, allowing for a perfect custom fit of your cell phone. The perfect compliment to the modern sleek interior of today's vehicles, the RAM X-Grip® is the cell phone holder evolved.
Compatible Devices (WITH OR WITHOUT CASE):
Apple iPhone 6
Apple iPhone 5s
Apple iPhone 5c
Apple iPhone 5
Apple iPhone 4S
Apple iPhone 4
Apple iPhone 3GS
Apple iPhone 3G
Apple iPhone
Apple iPod touch (All Models)
Apple iPod (G1-G5)
Samsung GALAXY S4
Samsung GALAXY S5
The X-Grip® holder is compatible with handheld devices that will fit the dimensions listed below. It is important to verify the dimensions of your handheld device with a case/sleeve/skin when determining the overall size.
Holder Dimensions:
Minimum Width = 1.875"
Maximum Width = 3.25"
Depth = 0.875"
1. Rustproof
2. High strength composite and stainless steel construction
3. Spring loaded holder expands and contracts for perfect fit of your device
4. Rubber coated tips will hold device firm and stable
5. Socket technology allows for multiple adjustment angles and articulation of device
6. Lifetime warranty
7. Made in U.S.A.
Powder Coated Marine Grade Aluminum, Marine Grade Stainless Steel Components & High Strength Composite
Ball Size:
1" Rubber Ball "B" Size
Note: The "U" in the part number reflects product packaged in poly bag.
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